The permanent and official blog of the University of Leicester's School of Museum Studies PhD student conferences and special events.

28 March 2011

It's the End of the Day As We Know It

Well well well, Museobunny is very impressed with you all. It really has been a fantastic day in Wonderland, and the spirit of eccentricity, of enchantment and excitement really has been maintained. This afternoon, in presentations which discussed things that aren't, things that convey more than display, things just plain weird, acts of maintenance and social creation, the uses and stories of architecture and the body, of dioramas, stuffed animals, of stars and of things, we have been able to enter several, co-present, and really rather wonderful worlds. Museobunny is absolutely shattered, now. So you'll have to excuse his silence for a couple of hours. He may post again later tonight, once he has been supplied with lots of carrot soup and tea. Tomorrow, however, we'll be going to Nottingham, so Museobunny will have a break from blogging again. He does promise, however, that his adventures will all be meticulously catalogued on here tomorrow evening - so please don't feel like you're missing out. If you're really lucky, he may even tweet, so remember to take advantage of the hashtag - #curiouser2011

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